Introduction to Brands 品牌介紹 - Gildan, Prinstar, Mecilla, Wundou, Champion, Teelocker, Bella+Canvas
Gildan leads a simple and classic style, with a very reasonable price set. Gildan T-shirts covers a range of more than 77 colors, and offers the widest range of colors in the T-shirts industry. Gildan, as the world's second-largest US cotton user, uses 100% pure cotton US manufacturing. Gildan T-shirts are simple, of plain or bright color, good looking and comfortable. From 2008 to 2012, the global annual sales of Gildan have been up to more than 700 million pieces, its products cover across the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, Singapore and other places. Over the years, Gildan has obtained various support and recommendation from customers around the world.
Compared to other brands, Gildan sets at reasonable prices with good looking active-wear style. It is most suitable for retailers and promotional activities.
Gildan的款式簡約,價錢適宜,當中包括超過77種顏色的成衣,為業界擁有最多顏色選擇的同類型公司。作為全球第二大美國棉用戶,使用100%純美國棉製造。而Gildan T恤一直以簡約,無印花純色見稱 ,穿著不但美觀且舒適。2008至2012年間,Gildan的全球年销售更達至 700,000,000 件,其產品遍布美國、加拿大、歐洲、澳洲、日本、新加坡等地,受到眾多客戶的一致推崇。
Printstar is one of the best-selling brands in Japan for over 20 years, and is well-known for its high quality multi-color cotton T-shirts, comfort and high permeability. It is rated No.1 in terms of sales profits in Japanese T-shirts market share. The premium quality fabric and vertical cutting contribute to the steadiness and resistance to deformation of the 100% cotton round-neck T-shirt. Moreover, Printstar uses yarn that has lesser cotton fabric neps, which helps to create smoother and brighter fabrics. The seamless arrangement lowers the chance of deformation and shrinkage of the T-shirts after washing.
Compared to other brands, Printstar has superb quality and durability. It is an ideal choice for use by designers for those who aim for higher quality.
Organics - mecilla
mecilla is an eco-fashion brand which connects customers with agricultural communities. Krop is made of organic cotton (or pre-organic cotton) and has Fairtrade options.
Its brand originates from the dedication to organic cotton. From farm to manufacturing level, it only uses natural fabrics which are eco-friendly to the environment and inspires consumers to lead a healthy lifestyle. The birth of the brand mecilla is built upon agricultural practices of Mecilla, which is an organic cotton supply chain provider and promoter of bondage between the rural and the urban communities. Without applying any chemical pesticides, groundwater resources and biodiversity can be preserved and ecosystems can be operated in a way to control naturally the risks of insect and disease.
mecilla's organic cottonseed T-shirt is one of featured products. It is made of 100% pre-organic cotton (pre-organic refers to farms in transition to organic farming), comfortable and highly permeable. It requires factories to wash the cotton incompletely in the spinning phase, leaving them small cottonseed particles, so that it can be naturally integrated into the texture of the yarn. It carries a soft and natural texture.
No matter whether in terms of softness, permeability and comfort level, mecilla outranks the others. It can also nourish allergic skin. It is an ideal choice for people who value the importance of environmental friendliness and those who have sensitive skin.
mecilla是一個連結消費者與土地的環保服裝品牌。其品牌的堅持來自於對有機棉料的一份執著,由設計到農田層面開始,都是用對環境和自然生態友好的天然面料來製作,以保持消費者的健康。mecilla品牌的誕生,其實建基於Mecilla 的農業實踐,盼望由農業與城市溝通的空白,讓消費者看到有機耕作的消費力,促進生態環境的平衡和擔負起社會責任。並透過減少農藥的使用,保護地下水的資源和生物多樣性,通過與生態系統的操作代替殺蟲劑在昆蟲和疾病控制中降低風險。
Wundou is a Japanese company founded in 1963 and established in 1990. It keeps all of the product’s designs continuous and unchanging. This benefits customers purchasing as uniforms and customers that requires it to be in the same design every year. In terms of quality, Wundou carefully selects materials and fabrics that is resistant to colour transfer from long term storage, furthermore, Wundou’s fabrics are resistant to heat printing or other embroidery methods that alter the size or shape of the products. Moreover, our method of quality control makes the colour difference as less as possible between each lot.
Established in Rochester, New York in 1919, the Champion brand has a unique heritage as an originator and innovator of men's and women's athletic apparel. Champion has pioneered some of the most important innovations in the category of reverse weave sweatshirt, hooded sweatshirt, reversible jersey, breathable mesh practice uniforms and sports bra. The brand has an authentic heritage and is still at the forefront of technical innovation and style.
Champion 於 1919 年在紐約州羅徹斯特市(Rochester, New York) 創立,在美國擁有近百年的歷史,一直是高機能性運動服的象徵。以專利的橫向編織技術及高科技的材質,製造出耐穿及革新的產品而聞名,擁有多項世界性發明如連帽上衣、可正反穿 T 恤、氣網材質衣服及運動內衣等等。

Since its establishment in September 2007, the Hong Kong original tee brand ‘Teelocker’ has been committed to providing designers and art workers with a platform for endless creativity. With the concept of advocating and respecting design, it brings together designers from different regions within the space of tee. Their perceptions of social culture, current affairs, family, friends and life are expressed in various forms of pictures and graphic design. Make these design concepts finally printed into tee and share with everyone. Teelocker does not simply do tee but also takes tee as a culture. In April 2008, it entered SOGO in Causeway Bay. At the same time, it cooperated with the stylish ‘coffee-epoch’ to merge the tee culture and the coffee culture. The first tee theme cafe shop of ‘coffee or tee’ was born in the collision of two trends.
香港原創tee品牌teelocker自2007年9月成立就致力於為設計師、藝術工作者提供一個揮發無窮創意的平台,憑藉推崇和尊重設計的理念,滙聚不同地區的設計師在tee的方寸之內將他們對社會文化、時事、家庭、朋友及生活感悟,以圖畫、平面設計的各種形態表達出來。使這些設計概念最終印制成tee後與眾人一同分享。teelocker不簡單做tee同時將tee作為一種文化,2008年4月進駐銅鑼灣SOGO,同時與型格coffee-epoch聯手,將tee文化與coffee文化融合兩種潮流文化碰撞中誕生coffee or tee首間tee主題cafe shop。

Bella + Canvas is a clothing company which seeks to put the earth and environment first while manufacturing quality clothes. Rather than just churning out T-shirt after T-shirt in a large factory, their mission includes giving the world clothing which feels great, looks great and has been made in an ethical and humane way.
Back in 1992, the company was started with a vision to provide women with clothing that was not only made from luxurious materials, but which was flattering to their individual shapes too. Throughout history, women have searched for fashionable, feminine and stylish items. With this is mind, the business was founded. A few years later, Bella + Canvas expanded to include men’s and children’s clothing too. They continued to specialize in beautiful womenswear, but soon gathered custom all over the world for their new items. Before long, they were selling their clothing to some of the world’s biggest retailers, and the name Bella + Canvas was becoming widely known.
Bella + Canvas是一家服裝公司,致力於在生產優質服裝的同時將地球與環境放在首位。他們的任務不僅是在大型工廠中生產T恤衫,然後再生產T恤衫,其任務還包括給世界提供感覺良好,外觀精美且以道德和人道的方式製造的服裝。
早在1992年,該公司就開始致力於為婦女提供不僅由豪華材料製成的服裝,而且也能使她們的個人形態變得討人喜歡。在整個歷史中,婦女一直在尋找時尚,女性化和時尚的物品。有了這個想法,公司就成立了。幾年後,Bella + Canvas擴展到包括男裝和童裝。他們繼續專門研究漂亮的女裝,但很快就在世界各地收集了他們的新商品的風俗習慣。不久之後,他們就將服裝賣給了一些世界上最大的零售商,Bella + Canvas這個名字就廣為人知。
Next Level Apparel
Next Level Apparel continues to lead the industry with innovative fabric blends and utilize combed ring-spun cotton fabrics that are heavenly soft, at a value that is second to none. For over 12 years our outstanding color palette, full spectrum of fits, and diversity of styles continue to define us as one of the top suppliers of fashion blanks in the world market. We thank our distributor partners for their dedication, professionalism, and expertise. Our national distribution network, now including over 28 locations, brings one of the hottest fashion blank tee brands to your doorstep.
At Next Level Apparel we are committed to the highest standards in every aspect of our business. Each member of our dynamic team is dedicated to delivering a superior customer service experience. Next Level Apparel follows all of the CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) testing standards. Our WRAP certified (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) factories are committed to the highest ethical standards of conduct and best quality practices. At Next Level Apparel we respect the rights of each individual and care for the environment. In addition to being sweat shop free and child labor free, we take social responsibility to the next level in everything we do.
Next Level Apparel繼續以創新的混紡面料引領行業,並使用精梳的環錠紡棉織物,其柔軟度極高,其價值是首屈一指的。在過去的12年中,我們出色的調色板,全面的合身性以及樣式的多樣性不斷使我們成為世界市場上時尚毛坯的頂級供應商之一。我們感謝我們的分銷合作夥伴的奉獻精神,專業精神和專業知識。我們遍布全國的分銷網絡(現已包括28個地點)將最熱門的時尚三通品牌之一帶到您家中。
在Next Level Apparel,我們致力於在業務的各個方面達到最高標準。我們充滿活力的團隊的每個成員都致力於提供卓越的客戶服務體驗。下一代服裝遵循所有CPSIA(消費者產品安全改進法案)測試標準。我們的WRAP認證(全球負責任授權生產)工廠恪守最高道德行為標準和最佳質量規範。在Next Appearel服裝公司,我們尊重每個人的權利並保護環境。除了無汗血工廠和童工外,我們在所有工作中將社會責任提升到一個新的水平。
Stedman® GmbH is one of the top five suppliers of high-quality promotional textiles in Europe. With its successful Stedman® brand, the company offers an extensive portfolio of printable T-shirts, sweatshirts, polo shirts and other casual wear. Based in Aachen, Germany, and with a warehouse in Ghent, Belgium, the company enjoys a strong market presence in 40 countries.
Our development department is constantly in touch with the market and researching important new advances and innovations in the areas of materials, colors, shapes, forms and cuts. We pick up on the latest trends in the retail sector and tailor them to the promotional wear segment. Our styles are inspired by retail and fully meet the high standards for modern promotional wear at the same time: Optimal fits and cuts, bright colors and new material compositions offer a perfect base for textile finishing. Many of our products (e.g. the complete Jackets & Fleece line) do not have printed or sewn-on neck labels – only a small size label in the collar; the care label is sewn into the side seam. This gives our customers the widest possible range of design options for “private labelling”.
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